%% Example with thermal effects
%% Setup material properties
jsonfilename = fullfile('ParameterData' , ...
'BatteryCellParameters', ...
'LithiumIonBatteryCell', ...
jsonstruct_material = parseBattmoJson(jsonfilename);
jsonstruct_material.include_current_collectors = true;
%% Setup geometry
jsonfilename = fullfile('Examples' , ...
'JsonDataFiles', ...
jsonstruct_geometry = parseBattmoJson(jsonfilename);
%% Setup Control
jsonfilename = fullfile('Examples', 'JsonDataFiles', 'cc_discharge_control.json');
jsonstruct_control = parseBattmoJson(jsonfilename);
jsonstruct = mergeJsonStructs({jsonstruct_geometry , ...
jsonstruct_material , ...
%% Plot the extrnal heat transfer coefficient
model = setupModelFromJson(jsonstruct);
% We index of the faces that are coupled to thermally to the exterior
extfaceind = model.ThermalModel.couplingTerm.couplingfaces;
nf = model.ThermalModel.G.getNumberOfFaces();
% We create a vector with one value per face with value equal to the external heat transfer coefficient for the external
% face
val = NaN(nf, 1);
val(extfaceind) = model.ThermalModel.externalHeatTransferCoefficient;
plotFaceData(model.ThermalModel.grid, val, 'edgecolor', 'black');
axis equal
view([50, 20]);
title('External Heat Transfer Coefficient / W/s/m^2')
%% Run the simulation
output = runBatteryJson(jsonstruct);
%% plot voltage
time = output.time;
E = output.E;
set(0, 'defaulttextfontsize', 15);
set(0, 'defaultaxesfontsize', 15);
set(0, 'defaultlinelinewidth', 3);
plot(time/hour, E)
title('Voltage / V');
xlabel('time / h');
ylabel('voltage / V');
%% Plot the minimum and maximum values of the temperature
T0 = PhysicalConstants.absoluteTemperature;
states = output.states;
Tmin = cellfun(@(state) min(state.ThermalModel.T + T0), states);
Tmax = cellfun(@(state) max(state.ThermalModel.T + T0), states);
hold on
plot(time / hour, Tmin, 'displayname', 'min T');
plot(time / hour, Tmax, 'displayname', 'max T');
title('Temperature / C')
xlabel('time / h');
ylabel('Temperature / C');
legend show
%% change setup for cooling coefficient
jsonstruct.ThermalModel.externalHeatTransferCoefficientTab = 100;
jsonstruct.ThermalModel.externalHeatTransferCoefficient = 0;
output = runBatteryJson(jsonstruct);
%% Plot the minimum and maximum values of the temperature
states = output.states;
Tmin = cellfun(@(state) min(state.ThermalModel.T + T0), states);
Tmax = cellfun(@(state) max(state.ThermalModel.T + T0), states);
time = output.time;
hold on
plot(time / hour, Tmin, 'displayname', 'min T');
plot(time / hour, Tmax, 'displayname', 'max T');
title('Temperature / C')
xlabel('time / h');
ylabel('Temperature / C');
legend show
%% plot final temperature distribution
state = states{end}
plotCellData(model.ThermalModel.grid, ...
state.ThermalModel.T + T0);
title('Temperature / C');
view([50, 50]);
Copyright 2021-2024 SINTEF Industry, Sustainable Energy Technology
and SINTEF Digital, Mathematics & Cybernetics.
This file is part of The Battery Modeling Toolbox BattMo
BattMo is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
BattMo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with BattMo. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.