%% Protonic Membrane model
%% Load and parse input from given json files
% The source of the json files can be seen in :battmofile:`protonicMembrane<ProtonicMembrane/jsonfiles/protonicMembrane.json>` and
% :battmofile:`1d-PM-geometry.json<ProtonicMembrane/jsonfiles/1d-PM-geometry.json>`
filename = fullfile(battmoDir(), 'ProtonicMembrane', 'jsonfiles', 'protonicMembrane.json');
jsonstruct_material = parseBattmoJson(filename);
filename = fullfile(battmoDir(), 'ProtonicMembrane', 'jsonfiles', '1d-PM-geometry.json');
jsonstruct_geometry = parseBattmoJson(filename);
jsonstruct = mergeJsonStructs({jsonstruct_material, jsonstruct_geometry});
%% Input structure setup
% We setup the input parameter structure which will we be used to instantiate the model
inputparams = ProtonicMembraneCellInputParams(jsonstruct);
% We setup the grid, which is done by calling the function :battmo:`setupProtonicMembraneCellGrid`
[inputparams, gen] = setupProtonicMembraneCellGrid(inputparams, jsonstruct);
%% Model setup
% We instantiate the model for the protonic membrane cell
model = ProtonicMembraneCell(inputparams);
% The model is equipped for simulation using the following command (this step may become unnecessary in future versions)
model = model.setupForSimulation();
%% Initial state setup
% We setup the initial state using a default setup included in the model
state0 = model.setupInitialState();
%% Schedule schedule
% We setup the schedule, which means the timesteps and also the control we want to use. In this case we use current
% control and the current equal to zero (see here :battmofile:`here<ProtonicMembrane/protonicMembrane.json#86>`).
% We compute the steady-state solution so that the time stepping here is more an artifact to reach the steady-state
% solution. In particular, it governs the pace at which we increase the non-linearity (not detailed here).
schedule = model.Control.setupSchedule(inputparams.jsonstruct);
% We change the default tolerance
model.nonlinearTolerance = 1e-8;
%% Simulation
% We run the simulation
[~, states, report] = simulateScheduleAD(state0, model, schedule);
%% Plotting
% We setup som shortcuts for convenience
an = 'Anode';
ct = 'Cathode';
elyte = 'Electrolyte';
ctrl = 'Control';
set(0, 'defaultlinelinewidth', 3);
set(0, 'defaultaxesfontsize', 15);
% We recover the position of the mesh cell of the discretization grid. This is used when plotting the spatial
% distribution of some of the variables.
xc = model.(elyte).grid.cells.centroids(:, 1);
% We consider the solution obtained at the last time step, which corresponds to the solution at steady-state.
state = states{end};
state = model.addVariables(state, schedule.control);
% Plot of electromotive potential
plot(xc, state.(elyte).pi)
title('Electromotive potential (\pi)')
xlabel('x / m')
ylabel('\pi / V')
% Plot of electronic chemical potential
plot(xc, state.(elyte).pi - state.(elyte).phi)
title('Electronic chemical potential (E)')
xlabel('x / m')
ylabel('E / V')
% Plot of electrostatic potential
plot(xc, state.(elyte).phi)
title('Electrostatic potential (\phi)')
xlabel('x / m')
ylabel('\phi / V')
% Plot of the conductivity
plot(xc, log(state.(elyte).sigmaEl))
title('logarithm of conductivity (\sigma)')
xlabel('x / m')
%% Evolution of Faradic efficiency
% We increase the current density from 0 to 1 A/cm^2 and plot the faraday efficiency
% We sample the current value from 0 to 1 A/cm^2
Is = linspace(0, 1*ampere/((centi*meter)^2), 20);
% We run the simulation for each current value and collect the results in the :code:`endstates`
endstates = {};
for iI = 1 : numel(Is)
model.Control.I = Is(iI);
[~, states, report] = simulateScheduleAD(state0, model, schedule, 'NonLinearSolver', nls);
state = states{end};
state = model.addVariables(state, schedule.control);
endstates{iI} = state;
% We plot the profile of the electromotive potential for the mininum and maximum current values.
hold on
unit = ampere/((centi*meter)^2); % shortcut
state = endstates{1};
plot(xc, state.(elyte).pi, 'displayname', sprintf('I=%g A/cm^2', Is(1)/unit));
state = endstates{end};
plot(xc, state.(elyte).pi, 'displayname', sprintf('I=%g A/cm^2', Is(end)/unit));
title('Electromotive potential (\pi)')
xlabel('x / m')
ylabel('\pi / V')
% We retrieve and plot the cell potential
E = cellfun(@(state) state.(an).pi - state.(ct).pi, endstates);
plot(Is/unit, E, '*-');
xlabel('Current density / A/cm^2')
ylabel('E / V')
title('Cell potential');
% We retrieve and plot the Faradic efficiency
feff = cellfun(@(state) state.(an).iHp/state.(an).i, endstates);
plot(Is/unit, feff, '*-');
xlabel('Current density / A/cm^2')
ylabel('Faradic efficiency / -')
title('Faradic efficiency');