%% Alkaline Membrane Electrolyser
%% Setup input
% Setup the physical properties for the electrolyser using json input file :battmofile:`alkalineElectrolyser.json<Electrolyser/Parameters/alkalineElectrolyser.json>`
jsonstruct= parseBattmoJson('Electrolyser/Parameters/alkalineElectrolyser.json');
inputparams = ElectrolyserInputParams(jsonstruct);
% Setup the grids. We consider a 1D model and the specifications can be read from a json input file, here :battmofile:`electrolysergeometry1d.json<Electrolyser/Parameters/electrolysergeometry1d.json>`, using
% :battmo:`setupElectrolyserGridFromJson`.
jsonstruct= parseBattmoJson('Electrolyser/Parameters/electrolysergeometry1d.json');
inputparams = setupElectrolyserGridFromJson(inputparams, jsonstruct);
% We define shortcuts for the different submodels.
inm = 'IonomerMembrane';
her = 'HydrogenEvolutionElectrode';
oer = 'OxygenEvolutionElectrode';
ptl = 'PorousTransportLayer';
exr = 'ExchangeReaction';
ctl = 'CatalystLayer';
%% Setup model
model = Electrolyser(inputparams);
%% Setup the initial condition
% We use the default initial setup implemented in the model
[model, initstate] = model.setupBcAndInitialState();
%% Setup the schedule with the time discretization
% We run the simulation over 10 hours, increasing the input current linearly in time.
total = 10*hour;
n = 100;
dt = total/n;
dts = rampupTimesteps(total, dt, 5);
% We use the function :battmo:`rampupControl` to increase the current linearly in time
controlI = -3*ampere/(centi*meter)^2; % if negative, O2 and H2 are produced
tup = total;
srcfunc = @(time) rampupControl(time, tup, controlI, 'rampupcase', 'linear');
control = struct('src', srcfunc);
step = struct('val', dts, 'control', ones(numel(dts), 1));
schedule = struct('control', control, 'step', step);
%% Setup the non-linear solver
% We do only minor modifications here from the standard solver
nls = NonLinearSolver();
nls.verbose = false;
nls.errorOnFailure = false;
model.verbose = false;
%% Run the simulation
[~, states, report] = simulateScheduleAD(initstate, model, schedule, 'NonLinearSolver', nls, 'OutputMiniSteps', true);
%% Visualize the results
% The results contain only the primary variables of the system (the unknwons that descrive the state of the system). We
% use the method :code:`addVariables` to add all the intermediate quantities that are computed to solve the equations
% but not stored automatically in the result.
for istate = 1 : numel(states)
states{istate} = model.addVariables(states{istate});
% We extract the time, voltage and current values for each time step
time = cellfun(@(state) state.time, states);
E = cellfun(@(state) state.(oer).(ptl).E, states);
I = cellfun(@(state) state.(oer).(ctl).I, states);
% We plot the results for the voltage and current
set(0, 'defaultlinelinewidth', 3)
set(0, 'defaultaxesfontsize', 15)
subplot(2, 1, 1)
plot(time/hour, E)
xlabel('time [hour]');
title('Polarisation curve');
subplot(2, 1, 2)
plot(time/hour, -I/(1/(centi*meter)^2));
xlabel('time [hour]');
ylabel('Current [A/cm^2]');
title('Input current')
%% pH distribution plot
% We consider the three domains and plot the pH in each of those. We setup the helper structures to iterate over each
% domain for the plot.
doplot = false;
if doplot
models = {model.(oer).(ptl), ...
model.(her).(ptl), ...
fields = {{'OxygenEvolutionElectrode', 'PorousTransportLayer', 'concentrations', 2} , ...
{'HydrogenEvolutionElectrode', 'PorousTransportLayer', 'concentrations', 2}, ...
{'IonomerMembrane', 'cOH'}};
h = figure();
set(h, 'position', [10, 10, 800, 450]);
hold on
ntime = numel(time);
times = linspace(1, ntime, 10);
cmap = cmocean('deep', 10);
for ifield = 1 : numel(fields)
fd = fields{ifield};
submodel = models{ifield};
x = submodel.G.cells.centroids;
for itimes = 1 : numel(times);
itime = floor(times(itimes));
% The method :code:`getProp` is used to recover the value from the state structure
val = model.getProp(states{itime}, fd);
pH = 14 + log10(val/(mol/litre));
% plot of pH for the current submodel.
plot(x/(milli*meter), pH, 'color', cmap(itimes, :));
xlabel('x / mm');
title('pH distribition in electrolyser')
hColorbar = colorbar;
caxis([0 3]);
hTitle = get(hColorbar, 'Title');
set(hTitle, 'string', 'J (A/cm^2)');
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and SINTEF Digital, Mathematics & Cybernetics.
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