Tutorial 4 - Modify Material Parameters
In this tutorial, we will use a P2D model to simulate the effects of changing material parameters on cell discharge. After completing this tutorial, you should have a working knowledge of:
- Basics of how material properties are defined in BattMo
- How to make some simple changes to material property definitions
- How to change material models from the BattMo material library
We'll use the same input parameter set from Tutorial 1.
jsonstruct = parseBattmoJson('Examples/jsondatafiles/sample_input.json');
Parameters are defined in the JSON parameter file and parsed into the MATLAB structure. Once the JSON file has been read into MATLAB as a jsonstruct, its properties can be modified programmatically.
Explore the Material Parameters
Let's begin by exploring the active material of the positive electrode (NMC) coating with the following command: disp(jsonstruct.PositiveElectrode.Coating.ActiveMaterial)
massFraction: 0.9500
density: 4650
specificHeatCapacity: 700
thermalConductivity: 2.1000
electronicConductivity: 100
Interface: [1×1 struct]
diffusionModelType: 'full'
SolidDiffusion: [1×1 struct]
We can see that a variety of parameters are defined that determine the physicochemical properties of the material. Many of the parameters that describe the electrochemical reactions that take place at the active material - electrolyte interface are contained in the Interface structure, which we can explore with the command: disp(jsonstruct.PositiveElectrode.Coating.ActiveMaterial.Interface)
saturationConcentration: 55554
volumetricSurfaceArea: 885000
density: 4650
numberOfElectronsTransferred: 1
activationEnergyOfReaction: 5000
reactionRateConstant: 2.3300e-11
guestStoichiometry100: 0.4955
guestStoichiometry0: 0.9917
chargeTransferCoefficient: 0.5000
openCircuitPotential: [1×1 struct]
Furthermore, it is well known that the diffusion of lithium in the active materials can be a limiting factor in Li-ion battery performance. The diffusion model used in this simulation can be explored with the following command: disp(jsonstruct.PositiveElectrode.Coating.ActiveMaterial.SolidDiffusion)
activationEnergyOfDiffusion: 5000
referenceDiffusionCoefficient: 1.0000e-14
particleRadius: 1.0000e-06
N: 10
We can see there that the solid diffusion model includes a reference diffusion coefficient, activation energy of diffusion, and the effective particle radius.
Make a Simple Change
Let's make a simple change to the positive electrode active material properties in our model and see how it affects the results. Let's compare how cell capacity is affected by changes in the active particle radius. With a larger particle radius and the same amount of active material, the Li ions have a longer path to traverse, hence one would expect the capacity to actually drop with increase in the radius. Let's check that with our parameter sweep.
% create a vector of diffent thickness values
radius = [1, 5, 10].*micro;
% instantiate and empty cell array to store the outputs of the simulations
output = cell(size(radius));
% instantiate an empty figure
% use a for-loop to iterate through the vector of c-rates
for i = 1 : numel(radius)
% modify the value for the radius in the active material definition
jsonstruct.PositiveElectrode.Coating.ActiveMaterial.SolidDiffusion.particleRadius = radius(i);
% run the simulation and store the results in the output cell array
output{i} = runBatteryJson(jsonstruct);
% retrieve the states from the simulation result
states = output{i}.states;
% extract the time and voltage quantities
time = cellfun(@(state) state.time, states);
voltage = cellfun(@(state) state.('Control').E, states);
current = cellfun(@(state) state.('Control').I, states);
capacity = time .* current;
% plot the discharge curve in the figure
plot((capacity/(milli*hour)), voltage, '-', 'linewidth', 3)
Solving timestep 01/45: -> 3 Seconds, 937 Milliseconds
Solving timestep 02/45: 3 Seconds, 937 Milliseconds -> 7 Seconds, 875 Milliseconds
Solving timestep 03/45: 7 Seconds, 875 Milliseconds -> 15 Seconds, 750 Milliseconds
Solving timestep 04/45: 15 Seconds, 750 Milliseconds -> 31 Seconds, 500 Milliseconds
Solving timestep 05/45: 31 Seconds, 500 Milliseconds -> 63 Seconds
Solving timestep 06/45: 63 Seconds -> 126 Seconds
Solving timestep 07/45: 126 Seconds -> 252 Seconds
Solving timestep 08/45: 252 Seconds -> 378 Seconds
Solving timestep 09/45: 378 Seconds -> 504 Seconds
Solving timestep 10/45: 504 Seconds -> 630 Seconds
Solving timestep 11/45: 630 Seconds -> 756 Seconds
Solving timestep 12/45: 756 Seconds -> 882 Seconds
Solving timestep 13/45: 882 Seconds -> 1008 Seconds
Solving timestep 14/45: 1008 Seconds -> 1134 Seconds
Solving timestep 15/45: 1134 Seconds -> 1260 Seconds
Solving timestep 16/45: 1260 Seconds -> 1386 Seconds
Solving timestep 17/45: 1386 Seconds -> 1512 Seconds
Solving timestep 18/45: 1512 Seconds -> 1638 Seconds
Solving timestep 19/45: 1638 Seconds -> 1764 Seconds
Solving timestep 20/45: 1764 Seconds -> 1890 Seconds
Solving timestep 21/45: 1890 Seconds -> 2016 Seconds
Solving timestep 22/45: 2016 Seconds -> 2142 Seconds
Solving timestep 23/45: 2142 Seconds -> 2268 Seconds
Solving timestep 24/45: 2268 Seconds -> 2394 Seconds
Solving timestep 25/45: 2394 Seconds -> 2520 Seconds
Solving timestep 26/45: 2520 Seconds -> 2646 Seconds
Solving timestep 27/45: 2646 Seconds -> 2772 Seconds
Solving timestep 28/45: 2772 Seconds -> 2898 Seconds
Solving timestep 29/45: 2898 Seconds -> 3024 Seconds
Solving timestep 30/45: 3024 Seconds -> 3150 Seconds
Solving timestep 31/45: 3150 Seconds -> 3276 Seconds
Solving timestep 32/45: 3276 Seconds -> 3402 Seconds
Solving timestep 33/45: 3402 Seconds -> 3528 Seconds
Solving timestep 34/45: 3528 Seconds -> 1 Hour, 54 Seconds
*** Simulation complete. Solved 34 control steps in 2 Seconds, 319 Milliseconds (termination triggered by stopFunction) ***
Solving timestep 01/45: -> 3 Seconds, 937 Milliseconds
Solving timestep 02/45: 3 Seconds, 937 Milliseconds -> 7 Seconds, 875 Milliseconds
Solving timestep 03/45: 7 Seconds, 875 Milliseconds -> 15 Seconds, 750 Milliseconds
Solving timestep 04/45: 15 Seconds, 750 Milliseconds -> 31 Seconds, 500 Milliseconds
Solving timestep 05/45: 31 Seconds, 500 Milliseconds -> 63 Seconds
Solving timestep 06/45: 63 Seconds -> 126 Seconds
Solving timestep 07/45: 126 Seconds -> 252 Seconds
Solving timestep 08/45: 252 Seconds -> 378 Seconds
Solving timestep 09/45: 378 Seconds -> 504 Seconds
Solving timestep 10/45: 504 Seconds -> 630 Seconds
Solving timestep 11/45: 630 Seconds -> 756 Seconds
Solving timestep 12/45: 756 Seconds -> 882 Seconds
Solving timestep 13/45: 882 Seconds -> 1008 Seconds
Solving timestep 14/45: 1008 Seconds -> 1134 Seconds
Solving timestep 15/45: 1134 Seconds -> 1260 Seconds
Solving timestep 16/45: 1260 Seconds -> 1386 Seconds
Solving timestep 17/45: 1386 Seconds -> 1512 Seconds
Solving timestep 18/45: 1512 Seconds -> 1638 Seconds
Solving timestep 19/45: 1638 Seconds -> 1764 Seconds
Solving timestep 20/45: 1764 Seconds -> 1890 Seconds
Solving timestep 21/45: 1890 Seconds -> 2016 Seconds
Solving timestep 22/45: 2016 Seconds -> 2142 Seconds
Solving timestep 23/45: 2142 Seconds -> 2268 Seconds
Solving timestep 24/45: 2268 Seconds -> 2394 Seconds
Solving timestep 25/45: 2394 Seconds -> 2520 Seconds
Solving timestep 26/45: 2520 Seconds -> 2646 Seconds
Solving timestep 27/45: 2646 Seconds -> 2772 Seconds
Solving timestep 28/45: 2772 Seconds -> 2898 Seconds
Solving timestep 29/45: 2898 Seconds -> 3024 Seconds
Solving timestep 30/45: 3024 Seconds -> 3150 Seconds
Solving timestep 31/45: 3150 Seconds -> 3276 Seconds
Solving timestep 32/45: 3276 Seconds -> 3402 Seconds
Solving timestep 33/45: 3402 Seconds -> 3528 Seconds
*** Simulation complete. Solved 33 control steps in 2 Seconds, 313 Milliseconds (termination triggered by stopFunction) ***
Solving timestep 01/45: -> 3 Seconds, 937 Milliseconds
Solving timestep 02/45: 3 Seconds, 937 Milliseconds -> 7 Seconds, 875 Milliseconds
Solving timestep 03/45: 7 Seconds, 875 Milliseconds -> 15 Seconds, 750 Milliseconds
Solving timestep 04/45: 15 Seconds, 750 Milliseconds -> 31 Seconds, 500 Milliseconds
Solving timestep 05/45: 31 Seconds, 500 Milliseconds -> 63 Seconds
Solving timestep 06/45: 63 Seconds -> 126 Seconds
Solving timestep 07/45: 126 Seconds -> 252 Seconds
Solving timestep 08/45: 252 Seconds -> 378 Seconds
Solving timestep 09/45: 378 Seconds -> 504 Seconds
Solving timestep 10/45: 504 Seconds -> 630 Seconds
Solving timestep 11/45: 630 Seconds -> 756 Seconds
Solving timestep 12/45: 756 Seconds -> 882 Seconds
Solving timestep 13/45: 882 Seconds -> 1008 Seconds
Solving timestep 14/45: 1008 Seconds -> 1134 Seconds
Solving timestep 15/45: 1134 Seconds -> 1260 Seconds
Solving timestep 16/45: 1260 Seconds -> 1386 Seconds
Solving timestep 17/45: 1386 Seconds -> 1512 Seconds
Solving timestep 18/45: 1512 Seconds -> 1638 Seconds
Solving timestep 19/45: 1638 Seconds -> 1764 Seconds
Solving timestep 20/45: 1764 Seconds -> 1890 Seconds
Solving timestep 21/45: 1890 Seconds -> 2016 Seconds
Solving timestep 22/45: 2016 Seconds -> 2142 Seconds
Solving timestep 23/45: 2142 Seconds -> 2268 Seconds
Solving timestep 24/45: 2268 Seconds -> 2394 Seconds
Solving timestep 25/45: 2394 Seconds -> 2520 Seconds
Solving timestep 26/45: 2520 Seconds -> 2646 Seconds
Solving timestep 27/45: 2646 Seconds -> 2772 Seconds
Solving timestep 28/45: 2772 Seconds -> 2898 Seconds
Solving timestep 29/45: 2898 Seconds -> 3024 Seconds
*** Simulation complete. Solved 29 control steps in 2 Seconds, 606 Milliseconds (termination triggered by stopFunction) ***
xlabel('Capacity / mA \cdot h')
ylabel('Cell Voltage / V')
% we can pull the radius values directly from the vector to make the plot
% annotations more resilient to changes in the code
legend(strcat('r=', num2str(radius(1)/micro), ' µm'), strcat('r=', num2str(radius(2)/micro), ' µm'), strcat('r=', num2str(radius(3)/micro), ' µm'))
Swap Active Materials
Now let's try to replace the active material with a different material from the BattMo library. In this example, we will replace the NMC material with LFP [1]. First, let's re-load our baseline example parameter set to get rid of the changes from the previous sections.
jsonstruct = parseBattmoJson('Examples/jsondatafiles/sample_input.json');
Now we load and parse the LFP material parameters from the BattMo library and move it to the right place in the model hierarchy: lfp = parseBattmoJson('ParameterData/MaterialProperties/LFP/LFP.json');
jsonstruct_lfp.PositiveElectrode.Coating.ActiveMaterial.Interface = lfp;
To merge new parameter data into our existing input model, we can use the BattMo function mergeJsonStructs.
jsonstruct = mergeJsonStructs({jsonstruct_lfp, ...
parameter PositiveElectrode.Coating.ActiveMaterial.Interface.saturationConcentration is assigned twice with different values. we use the value from first jsonstruct.
parameter PositiveElectrode.Coating.ActiveMaterial.Interface.volumetricSurfaceArea is assigned twice with different values. we use the value from first jsonstruct.
parameter PositiveElectrode.Coating.ActiveMaterial.Interface.density is assigned twice with different values. we use the value from first jsonstruct.
parameter PositiveElectrode.Coating.ActiveMaterial.Interface.activationEnergyOfReaction is assigned twice with different values. we use the value from first jsonstruct.
parameter PositiveElectrode.Coating.ActiveMaterial.Interface.reactionRateConstant is assigned twice with different values. we use the value from first jsonstruct.
parameter PositiveElectrode.Coating.ActiveMaterial.Interface.guestStoichiometry100 is assigned twice with different values. we use the value from first jsonstruct.
parameter PositiveElectrode.Coating.ActiveMaterial.Interface.guestStoichiometry0 is assigned twice with different values. we use the value from first jsonstruct.
parameter PositiveElectrode.Coating.ActiveMaterial.Interface.openCircuitPotential.functionname is assigned twice with different values. we use the value from first jsonstruct.
We need to be sure that the parameters are consistent across the hierarchy: The effective density (the mass density of the material (either in wet or calendared state). This density is computed with respect to the total volume (i.e. including the empty pores)) of this material, assuming a porosity of 0.2 is calculated to be 2807 kg/m3.
jsonstruct.PositiveElectrode.Coating.ActiveMaterial.density = jsonstruct.PositiveElectrode.Coating.ActiveMaterial.Interface.density;
jsonstruct.PositiveElectrode.Coating.effectiveDensity = 2807;
And now, we can run the simulation and plot the discharge curve:
output = runBatteryJson(jsonstruct);
Solving timestep 01/45: -> 3 Seconds, 937 Milliseconds
Solving timestep 02/45: 3 Seconds, 937 Milliseconds -> 7 Seconds, 875 Milliseconds
Solving timestep 03/45: 7 Seconds, 875 Milliseconds -> 15 Seconds, 750 Milliseconds
Solving timestep 04/45: 15 Seconds, 750 Milliseconds -> 31 Seconds, 500 Milliseconds
Solving timestep 05/45: 31 Seconds, 500 Milliseconds -> 63 Seconds
Solving timestep 06/45: 63 Seconds -> 126 Seconds
Solving timestep 07/45: 126 Seconds -> 252 Seconds
Solving timestep 08/45: 252 Seconds -> 378 Seconds
Solving timestep 09/45: 378 Seconds -> 504 Seconds
Solving timestep 10/45: 504 Seconds -> 630 Seconds
Solving timestep 11/45: 630 Seconds -> 756 Seconds
Solving timestep 12/45: 756 Seconds -> 882 Seconds
Solving timestep 13/45: 882 Seconds -> 1008 Seconds
Solving timestep 14/45: 1008 Seconds -> 1134 Seconds
Solving timestep 15/45: 1134 Seconds -> 1260 Seconds
Solving timestep 16/45: 1260 Seconds -> 1386 Seconds
Solving timestep 17/45: 1386 Seconds -> 1512 Seconds
Solving timestep 18/45: 1512 Seconds -> 1638 Seconds
Solving timestep 19/45: 1638 Seconds -> 1764 Seconds
Solving timestep 20/45: 1764 Seconds -> 1890 Seconds
Solving timestep 21/45: 1890 Seconds -> 2016 Seconds
Solving timestep 22/45: 2016 Seconds -> 2142 Seconds
Solving timestep 23/45: 2142 Seconds -> 2268 Seconds
Solving timestep 24/45: 2268 Seconds -> 2394 Seconds
Solving timestep 25/45: 2394 Seconds -> 2520 Seconds
Solving timestep 26/45: 2520 Seconds -> 2646 Seconds
Solving timestep 27/45: 2646 Seconds -> 2772 Seconds
Solving timestep 28/45: 2772 Seconds -> 2898 Seconds
Solving timestep 29/45: 2898 Seconds -> 3024 Seconds
Solving timestep 30/45: 3024 Seconds -> 3150 Seconds
Solving timestep 31/45: 3150 Seconds -> 3276 Seconds
Solver did not converge in 10 iterations for timestep of length 126 Seconds. Cutting timestep.
Solving timestep 32/45: 3276 Seconds -> 3402 Seconds
Solving timestep 33/45: 3402 Seconds -> 3528 Seconds
Solving timestep 34/45: 3528 Seconds -> 1 Hour, 54 Seconds
*** Simulation complete. Solved 34 control steps in 2 Seconds, 274 Milliseconds (termination triggered by stopFunction) ***
We now get the states,
% extract the time and voltage quantities
time = cellfun(@(state) state.time, states);
voltage = cellfun(@(state) state.('Control').E, states);
current = cellfun(@(state) state.('Control').I, states);
capacity = time .* current;
% plot the discharge curve in the figure
plot((capacity/(milli*hour)), voltage, '-', 'linewidth', 3)
xlabel('Capacity / mA \cdot h')
ylabel('Cell Voltage / V')
In this tutorial, we explored how to modify material parameters in BattMo. We first explored the material parameter structure. Then we modified the effective particle radius and simulated its affect on the cell discharge curve. Finally we swapped out the NMC active material for a LFP material and simulated the new performance of the cell, we saw that the LFP-graphite cell has reduced capacity compared to the NMC cell.