Computation Graph Model Design ang Assembly
We essentially define a model as a computational graph. We have identified variables. Variables are dependent one from the other. The dependence can be explicit or implicit. In the explicit case, a variable can be directly computed from the other using a function evaluation. In the implicit case, such function does not exist in a simple form. The relationship between the variables is given through equations. The purpose of our simulations is to solve these equations. The equations are added to the system of non-linear equation we solve, at each time step in the case of an evolution problem.
In the computational graph, the nodes are given by the variables in the model. The directed edges represent the functional dependency between the variables
A simple introduction example
Let us consider the example of a reaction model. The reaction rate \(R\) is given by
We have seven variables \(R,\ j, \eta, \text{OCP}, \phi_s, \phi_e, c_s, c_e\). The dependency graph we obtain from the equations above is

Reaction model graph
This graph has been obtained in BattMo after we implemented the model. We will explain later how this can be done (for the impatient, see here)
The graph is a directed acyclic graph, meaning that it has no loop. We can thus identify root and tail variables. In the case above, the root variables are \(\phi_s, \phi_e, c_s, c_e\) and there only one tail variable, \(R\). Given values for the root variables, we can traverse the graph and evaluate all the intermediate variables to compute the tail variables. To evaluate variables, the functions we will implement will always need parameters (the opposite case where a function can be defined without any external parameters is expected to be rare in a physical context). Then, we can describe our model with
A set of parameters (scalar variables, but maybe also functions)
A computational graph
A set of functions associated to each node (i.e. variable) which as an incoming edge in the computational graph
For each of the function in the set above, we know the input and output arguments. They are given by the nodes connected by the edge.
The motivation for introducing suuch graph representation is expressivity. It provides a synthetic overview of the model. Of course, the precise expression of the functions, which is not visible in the graph, is an essential part. All the physics is encoded there. But, the graph gives us access to the dependency between the variables and the variables have been chosen by the user in the model because of their specific physical meaning. The user has chosen them from a physical insight, that we want to preserve. Especially when we expand the models. In our previous examples, the variables we have introduced have all a name meaningfull for the expert in the domains.
Reaction Rate
Exchange Current Density
Open Circuit Potential
phi_s, phi_e
Solid and Electrolyte potentials
c_s, c_e
Solid and Electrolyte concentrations
A user can inspect a given model first by looking at the graph, recognized the variables that are named here. They should be meaningfull to him, as they should have been chosen to correspond to a given domain expertise terminology (here electrochemistry).
Let us now see how we can compose computational graph
Graph composition
This model representation as a graph brings also flexibility in model building and in particular code reusability. A user who wants to modify an existing model will typically be interested in keeping most of the existing models, and reuse the variable update functions that are been defined there. Looking at the graph, we can understand the dependency easily and identify the part that should be changed in the model. In some cases, the dependency graph may not changed, only a different function should be called to update a variable. For example, the exchange current density function \(j\) rarely obeys the ideal case presented above but is a given tabulated function,
where \(\hat{j}\) is a given function the user has set up. Such function is an example of a functional parameter belonging to the model, which we mentioned earlier.
Continuing with the same example, we may introduce a temperature dependency in the OCP function. We have
Then, we have to introduce a new node (i.e. variable) in our graph, the temperature T

Reaction model graph with added temperature
Let us introduce an other model, at least its computational graph. We consider a simple heat equation
We introduce in addition to the temperature T
the following variable names (nodes) and, in the right
column, we write the definition they will take after discretization. The operators div
denotes the discrete differential operators used in the assembly.
\(\alpha\frac{T - T^0}{\Delta t}\)
\(\text{accumTerm} + \text{div}(\text{flux}) + \text{source}\)
The computational for the temperature model is given by

Temperature model graph
Having now two models, we can illustrate how we can combine the corresponding computational graph to obtain a
coupled model. Let us couple the two models in two ways. We include a heat source produced by the chemical
reaction, as some function of the reaction rate. The effect of the temperature on the chemical reaction is
included, as we presented earlier, as a additional temperature dependence of the open circuit potential
. We obtain the following computational graph

Coupled Temperature Reaction model graph
In the node names, we recognize the origin of variable through a model name, either Reaction
. We will come back later to that.
With this model, we can setup our first simulation. Given the concentrations and potentials, we want to obtain
the temperature, which can only obtained implicitely by solving the energy equation. Looking at the graph, we
find that the root variables are Thermal.T
, Reaction.c_s
, Reaction.phi_s
, Reaction.phi_e
. The tail variable is the energy conservation equation
. A priori, the system looks well-posed with same number of unknown and equation (one of
each). At this stage, we want our implementation to automatically detects the primary variables (the root node,
) and the equations (the tail node, energyCons
) and to proceed with the assembly by traversing
the graph. We will later how it is done.
To conclude this example, we introduce a model for the concentrations and make them time dependent. In the earlier model, the concentrations were kept constant because, for example, access to an infinite reservoir of the chemical species. Now, we consider the case of a closed reservoir and the composition evolve accordingly to the chemical reaction. We have equations of the form
where the right-hand side is obtained from the computed reaction rate, following the stoichiometry of the chemical reactions.
The computational grap for each of this equation take the generic form

Concentration model graph
\(\frac{c - c^0}{\Delta t}\)
\(\frac{c - c^0}{\Delta t} - R\)
Let us now combine this model with the first one, which provided us with te computation of the chemical
reaction rate. We need two instance of the concentration model. To solve, the issue of duplicated variable
name, we add indices in our notations but this cannot be robustly scaled to large model. Instead, we introduce
model names and a model hierarchy. This was done already earlier with the Thermal
and Reaction
models. Let us name our two concentration models as Solid
and Elyte
. We obtain the following

Coupled reaction-concentration model
We note that it becomes already difficult to read off the graph and it will become harder and harder as model grow. We have developped visualization tool that will help us in exploring the model through their graphs.
Given phi_s
and phi_e
, we can solve the problem of computing the evolution of the
concentrations. The root nodes are the two concentrations (the potentials are known) and the tail nodes are
the mass conservation equations.
Finally, we can couple the model above with with the temperature, by sewing together the graphs. We name the
previous composite model as Masses
and keep the name of Thermal
for the thermal model. We
obtain the following

Coupled Temperature-Concentration-Reaction graph
New computational graphs are thus obtained by connecting existing graph, using a hierarchy of model. In the example above, the model hierarchy is given by

Model hierarchy
The graph of a parent model is essentially composed of the graphs of its child models with the addition of a few new edges which connect the graphs of the child models. The graph of the parent model can also bring its own new variables.
Graph Setup and Implementation
The implementation of a model can be decomposed into two steps.
We setup the computational graph.
We implement the functions corresponding to each node with incoming edges.
Our claim is that this decomposition breaks the complexity in the implementation of large coupled models. Once the two steps above are done, a Newton loop in our simulator will consist of
Instantiation of the primary variables (the root nodes) as AD (Automatic Differentiation) variables
Evaluation of all the functions in a order that can be infered by the graph, as it gives us the relative dependencie between all the variables
Assembly of the Jacobian obtained form the residual equations (the tail nodes)
The Jacobian matrix with the residuals can be sent to a Newton solver which will return an update of the primary variables, until convergence. All these three steps can by automatised as we will see later, so that a user which wants to implement a new model can only focus on the two steps mentioned further up.
We need now to provide the user with a framework for computational graph and functionalities to setup graphs easily within this framework. Let review the functionalities we want to include.
The overall goals are readibility and reusabililty. For code reusability, we want to be able to reuse in an easy way any function that have been implemented in existing models. For the graph framework it implies that graphs can always be modified at any level. A modification of an existing model consists of changing its graph and add or replace functions that have to be changed or replace but keeping all the other functions unchanged. We should be able to setup our assembly step 2 using these functions untouched. We will see how we solve this requirement.
A graph, in general, is determined by the nodes and edges. Typically a graph description is done by indexing
the nodes and edges are described by a pair of node index. In our case, the indexing is done internally in
processing of the model. At the setup level for the user, we want to use variable names (string) because they
are supposed to have a meaning for the user and a model designer is going to choose those carefully in order to
enhance the readibility of its model. When, we combine graphs we face the issue of shared names by the two
graphs. Since the models have been likely implemented independently, we have to deal with this issue. We solve
it by using a name space mechanism. For a given variable name, indices are frequently needed and should be
supported. A typical example is a chemical system which brings different species, each of them bringing a
concencentration variable. To get a generic implementation, it is impractical to deal with the names of each of
the species and we rather use indices, over which it is easy to iterate. A map between species name in index
can be conveniently introduced. We end up with the following structure for a variable name, a class called
see VarName with the following properties
classdef VarName
namespace % Cell array of strings
name % String
dim % Integer
index % Array of integer or string ':'
Within a model (i.e. a graph) all the variables (i.e. nodes) have a unique name. A new model can be created by combining existing models. Each of those should be assigned a unique name, which we be added to the name space. We end up with a graph of unique names. The process is the same as module import in programming language such as Python or Julia.
We can use the example above to illustrate the mechanism. At the three different model levels (reaction model, coupled reaction-concentration model and coupled temperature-reaction-concentration model), the concentration of the solid electrode takes different names
{'Masses', 'Reaction'}
We use two instances of the concentration model in the coupled reaction-concentration model. Namespace is needed to distinguish between those,
Let us introduce the code functionalities for constructing models. For the moment, we focus on the the nodes (variable names). Later, we will look at the edges (functional dependencies). We use the temperature model as an example. The class BaseModel is, at its name indicates, the base class for all models. We will introduce gradually the most usefull methods for this class. For our temperature model, we start with
classdef ThermalModel < BaseModel
function model = registerVarAndPropfuncNames(model)
%% Declaration of the Dynamical Variables and Function of the model
% (setup of varnameList and propertyFunctionList)
model = registerVarAndPropfuncNames@BaseModel(model);
varnames = {};
% Temperature
varnames{end + 1} = 'T';
% Accumulation term
varnames{end + 1} = 'accumTerm';
% Flux flux
varnames{end + 1} = 'flux';
% Heat source
varnames{end + 1} = 'source';
% Energy conservation
varnames{end + 1} = 'energyCons';
model = model.registerVarNames(varnames);
The most impatient can have a look of the complete implementation of ThermalModel. The method
is used to setup all that deals with the graph in a given model. We called
the method registerVarNames
to add a list of nodes in our graph given by varnames
The variable name is given by a single string here and not a instance of VarName. This is a
syntaxic sugar and internally the variable name T
is converted to VarName({}, 'T', 1, ':')
To lighten the graph setup, we have introduced at several places syntaxic sugar.
We can now instantiate the model, setup the computational graph. The graph is given as a ComputationalGraphTool class instance. This class provides some computational and inspection methods that acts on the graph.
model = ThermalModel();
model = model.setupComputationalGraph();
cgt = model.computationalGraph;
We have written a shortcut for the two last lines
cgt = model.cgt;
When the computational graph is setup, the property varNameList
of BaseModel is populated
with VarName variables. We will rarely look at this list directly. Instead, we use the method
in ComputationalGraphTool which, as its name indicates, print the variables
that have been registered.
>> cgt.printVarNames()
Similary, we setup a reaction model as follows
classdef ReactionModel < BaseModel
function model = registerVarAndPropfuncNames(model)
model = registerVarAndPropfuncNames@BaseModel(model);
varnames = {};
% potential in electrode
varnames{end + 1} = 'phi_s';
% charge carrier concentration in electrode - value at surface
varnames{end + 1} = 'c_s';
% potential in electrolyte
varnames{end + 1} = 'phi_e';
% charge carrier concentration in electrolyte
varnames{end + 1} = 'c_e';
% Electrode over potential
varnames{end + 1} = 'eta';
% Reaction rate [mol s^-1 m^-2]
varnames{end + 1} = 'R';
% OCP [V]
varnames{end + 1} = 'OCP';
% Reaction rate coefficient [A m^-2]
varnames{end + 1} = 'j';
model = model.registerVarNames(varnames);
(For the impatient, the full implementation which includes the properties is available here). As expected, we obtain the following output
>> model = ReactionModel();
>> cgt = model.cgt;
>> cgt.printVarNames
Let us now couple the two models. We introduce a new model which has in its properties an instance of the
and of the ThermalModel
. The name of the properties is use to determine the
namespace. We write
classdef ReactionThermalModel < BaseModel
function model = ReactionThermalModel()
model.Reaction = ReactionModel();
model.Thermal = ThermalModel();
We can already instantiate this model (for the impatient, the full model setup is available here).
>> model = ReactionThermalModel();
>> cgt = model.cgt;
>> cgt.printVarNames();
We now observe how the new model has all the variables from both the sub models and they have been assigned a
namespace which prevents ambiguities. In the printed form above, the name space components are joined with a
dot delimiter and added in front of the name. The VarName variable that corresponds to the first
name in the printed list above is VarName({'Reaction'}, 'phi_s')
Let us now look at how we declare the edges, with corresponds for us to the function that update some of the variables. For some of the variables, we declare the fact that the variable will be updated by calling a function where the arguments are given by other variables (i.e. nodes) given in the graph. In this way we obtain directed edges. The class to encode this information is PropFunction. The properties for the class are the following
classdef PropFunction
varname % variable name that will be updated by this function
inputvarnames % list of the variable names that are arguments of the function
modelnamespace % model name space
fn % function handler for the function to be called
functionCallSetupFn % function handler to setup the function call
A PropFunction
tells us that the variable with name varname
will be updated by the function
which will only require in its evaluation the value of the variables contained in the list
. In addition, we have the name space of a model where the parameters to evaluate the
function can be found. Earlier, we explained that most functions need external parameters to be evaluated and
those are stored in the properties of some model. The location of this model is given by
. The function is going to called automatically in the assembly process (step
2). The property functionCallSetupFn
is used to setup this call. Let us now look at
the complete listing of the thermal model
classdef ThermalModel < BaseModel
function model = registerVarAndPropfuncNames(model)
model = registerVarAndPropfuncNames@BaseModel(model);
varnames = {};
% Temperature
varnames{end + 1} = 'T';
% Accumulation term
varnames{end + 1} = 'accumTerm';
% Flux flux
varnames{end + 1} = 'flux';
% Heat source
varnames{end + 1} = 'source';
% Energy conservation
varnames{end + 1} = 'energyCons';
model = model.registerVarNames(varnames);
fn = @ThermalModel.updateFlux;
model = model.registerPropFunction({'flux', fn, {'T'}});
fn = @ThermalModel.updateAccumTerm;
model = model.registerPropFunction({'accumTerm', fn, {'T'}});
fn = @ThermalModel.updateEnergyCons;
inputnames = {'accumTerm', 'flux', 'source'};
model = model.registerPropFunction({'energyCons', fn, inputnames});
We have declared three property function using the method registerPropFunction
The method registerPropFunction
offers syntaxic sugar, which is very important to keep the
implementation concise. If we did not use any syntaxic sugar, the declaration of the flux
function would be as follows
fn = @ThermalModel.updateFlux;
inputvarnames = {VarName({}, 'T')};
varnname = VarName({}, 'flux');
propfunction = PropFunction(varname, fn, inputvarnames, {});
model = model.registerPropFunction(propfunction);
We can instantiate this model and use the ComputationalGraphPlot tool to visualize the resulting graph.
model = ThermalModel();
cgp = model.cgp(); % "cgp" stands for "computational graph plot"
We obtain the plot we already presented above

Temperature model graph
We can use the printOrderedFunctionCallList
method of the ComputationalGraphTool class to
print the sequence of function calls that is used to update all the variables in the model
ThermalModel, which examplify how we can automatize the assembly. The order of the function
evaluation is computed from the graph structure.
>> cgt = model.cgt
>> cgt.printOrderedFunctionCallList
Function call list
state = model.updateAccumTerm(state);
state = model.updateFlux(state);
state = model.updateEnergyCons(state);
Similarly we implement the property functions of the reaction model, see here. The corresponding graph is plotted above
For the sake of the illustration we introduce and UncoupledReactionThermalModel
, which consists only of
the following line (see also here)
classdef UncoupledReactionThermalModel < BaseModel
function model = UncoupledReactionThermalModel()
model.Reaction = ReactionModel();
model.Thermal = ThermalModel();
We can instantiate the model and plot the graph
model = UncoupledReactionThermalModel
cgp = model.cgp

Uncoupled thermal reaction model.
The variable name and graph structures are imported from both the submodels. The name of the model it originates from is added to the name of each variable. We can clearly see that the two graphs of the sub-models are uncoupled as no edge connect them to each other.
We implement the coupling between the models, as announced here, using the following setup (see also here), which coupled the OCP to the temperature and the source term of the energy equation to the reaction rate.
classdef ReactionThermalModel < BaseModel
function model = ReactionThermalModel()
model.Reaction = ReactionModel();
model.Thermal = ThermalModel();
function model = registerVarAndPropfuncNames(model)
%% Declaration of the Dynamical Variables and Function of the model
model = registerVarAndPropfuncNames@BaseModel(model);
fn = @ReactionThermalModel.updateOCP;
inputnames = {{'Reaction', 'c_s'}, {'Thermal', 'T'}};
model = model.registerPropFunction({{'Reaction', 'OCP'}, fn, inputnames});
fn = @ReactionThermalModel.updateThermalSource;
inputnames = {{'Reaction', 'R'}};
model = model.registerPropFunction({{'Thermal', 'source'}, fn, inputnames});
In this case, we obtain the following list of function calls
>> model = ReactionThermalModel();
>> cgt = model.cgt;
>> cgt.printOrderedFunctionCallList;
Function call list
state = model.updateOCP(state);
state.Reaction = model.Reaction.updateReactionRateCoefficient(state.Reaction);
state.Thermal = model.Thermal.updateAccumTerm(state.Thermal);
state.Thermal = model.Thermal.updateFlux(state.Thermal);
state.Reaction = model.Reaction.updateEta(state.Reaction);
state.Reaction = model.Reaction.updateReactionRate(state.Reaction);
state = model.updateThermalSource(state);
state.Thermal = model.Thermal.updateEnergyCons(state.Thermal);
From this example, we can understand how we can fullfill the requirement we set above,
where we formulate the goal that we want to call a function without have to modify it at all, whereever in the
model hierarchy the variable that will be updated belongs to. For that, we use simple matlab structure
mechanism. Here, we sse that the values of the thermal variables (T
, flux
, …) are stored in
the Thermal
field of the state
variable, so that when we send the variable
to the function updateFlux
(for example), the variables coming from the other
submodel Reaction
are stripped off. The function updateFlux
implemented in the
will only see a state variable with the fields it knows about, locally, at the level of
the model.